What Will You Do?
This course provides you with the opportunity to create a portfolio of work using digital photography. You will enjoy an inspiring, balanced and progressive programme of learning, building your skills, knowledge and understanding of photography. You will also build transferable skills which underpin progression into the creative and other industries.
How Will You Do It?
During Year 9 we aim to teach you a broad range of skills that will allow you to explore the world through photography. This will be through a series of workshops that investigate compositional, technical and practical photographic techniques. In Years 10 and 11 you will be expected to create a portfolio of work under controlled assessment conditions. This portfolio should demonstrate that you can respond to different stimuli through exploring imaging techniques such as composition, framing, depth of field, lighting exposure and viewpoint. You will also explore media processes and techniques by abstracting, designing, illustrating and documenting. Your portfolio must provide evidence that you have met all four assessment objectives.
What Qualifications Can You Obtain?
You can achieve a GCSE in Photography (Art and Design) at grades 9-1 in this subject. There is a single tier of entry for this subject.
How Will Your Work Be Assessed?
Your work will be assessed through a set task (examination) and one controlled assessment activity. Controlled Assessment - One portfolio of practical work = 60% of qualification. Set Task – 10 weeks’ preparation portfolio and a 10 hour practical exam = 40% of qualification. The Set Task is the final exam which will take place in the spring term of Year 11. This will be given in the form of an exam paper with 5 starting points from which you will have to select one to create a portfolio of work. The paper will be given to you 10 weeks before the exam in order for you to prepare a portfolio of work to help you develop an idea for your own personal response. The exam is 10 hours long and the final piece created in that time will be marked, along with the exam portfolio to generate the exam mark.
For further information, please contact your Art Teacher or Mrs Beaumont, Subject Leader for Fine Art and Photography.